Northeastern Arboretum
In 2019, Northeastern University’s Arboretum was awarded a Level II Accreditation through ArbNet. Level II-accredited arboreta have 100 species, varieties or cultivars of trees or woody plants, an arboretum collections policy describing the development and professional management of plants, and have enhanced educational and public programming.
acres of arboretum
total acres
total plant count
woody plants taxa
Green Star Award:
Northeastern University’s arboretum, landscaping, and grounds team recently received an Honor Award from the Professional Grounds Management Society (PGMS) for exceptional grounds maintenance in Urban University Grounds.
What’s new at the Arboretum
The Last Acre: This Roxbury garden reconnects locals with the land and community
The Last Acre: This Roxbury garden reconnects locals with the land and community Photo by Lolita Parker, Jr. Deep in the concrete streets of Roxbury, a hidden paradise embraces community love as residents reconnect with the earth through an age-old practice:...
15 Fascinating Boston Campus Trees: an inside look into our level II Arboretum
15 Fascinating Trees on the Boston Campus By Julia Laquerre with the Climate Justice and Sustainability Hub November 12, 2023 While walking through Northeastern University’s Boston campus, you may have noticed the exceptional scenery. The university Arboretum...
Farewell Mills Goats: The Future of Wildfire Prevention
Mills College at Northeastern University hires goats to graze away flammable vegetation.
Areas of Interest
Art At Northeastern
Veterans Memorial
What's in Bloom
(coming soon)
Arboretum Resource Inquiries

Grounds & Landscape Services at P.R.E.F
Working with Arboretum staff, the Planning, Real Estate, and Facilities’ (PREF) Grounds & Landscape Services team is responsible for maintaining the university’s verdant and dynamic urban campus through landscaping. The team of skilled horticulturists and groundskeepers work across the entire 73-acre Boston campus, performing constant maintenance and design upgrades to provide a safe, supportive and attractive landscape.